How Pure Health can help you boost your metabolism

Understanding the root cause of poor metabolism and how targeting this can change your life. Diving into the depths of metabolic function with Pure Health Nutrition Clinic in Perth, Western Australia.

Metabolism is such an important part of our body as it is responsible for converting nutrients from the foods we eat into fuel, as well as it supporting many vital functions within the body. At Pure Health Nutrition Clinic, nestled in the heart of Perth, we recognise the intricate interplay of factors influencing metabolism and strive to empower individuals with personalised solutions.

As well as being responsible for food conversion, the word ‘metabolism’ is also used to describe out basal metabolic rate, which is the number of calories you burn at rest; the higher your metabolic rate, the more calories you burn.

With both of these concepts in mind, it is important to consider that there are many things that can affect metabolism, for example:

  • Age.
  • Diet.
  • Body composition/muscle mass.
  • Sex.
  • Physical activity.
  • Health status.

As well as this, metabolic pathways within the body directly influence metabolism by dictating how molecules are utilised in the body. Efficient pathways ensure smooth energy production and promotes a healthy metabolism. Conversely, disruptions in these pathways can trigger metabolic dysfunction, adversely affecting energy levels, weight management, and overall health. There are many aspects that can impact on these metabolic pathways and the underlying drivers on why someone can’t boost their metabolism, for example:


Gut Bacteria

Imbalances within the gut microbiome (gut dysbiosis) can lead to either an overgrowth of bacteria or a reduction in bacterial diversity. This change in microbiota can disrupt metabolic pathways, affecting energy extraction from food, lipid metabolism, immune function and hormone regulation.



The thyroid, a crucial hormone gland, plays a pivotal role in governing cellular metabolism and various bodily functions. Among its functions are regulating an individual’s metabolic rate, initiating the breakdown of protein, fats and glucose, and enhancing cholesterol excretion. The most prevalent thyroid disorder is hypothyroidism, characterised by an under-active thyroid gland. In this condition, insufficient production of thyroid hormones occur. A prominent symptom of hypothyroidism is weight gain, attributed to a slow metabolism, which reduces the rate at which calories are burned.


Insulin Resistance

Insulin is a hormone made in the pancreas that helps our body use protein, fats and carbs from food. It also helps move glucose (sugar) into cells to keep our blood sugar levels steady. When too much insulin circulates in our body, it can lead to a condition called insulin resistance. This makes it harder for our cells to use glucose properly, which can cause inflammation and weight gain.



Eating too little and not getting adequate calories in a day can lead to a loss of muscle mass. This can make your basal metabolic rate (BMR) go down, meaning your metabolism slows down too. If you don’t eat enough protein, this can affect the metabolism of foods as protein requires more energy to digest which can increase metabolism and promote satiety.
As well as this, crash-dieting, starving or fasting from foods can have an impact on metabolism – eating too few kilojoules encourages the body to slow metabolism to conserve energy. BMR can drop by up to 15% and can lead to further drops if lean muscle tissue is also lost.

Genetic Predisposition
Your metabolic rate may be partly decided by your genes. Essentially, even if you and your friend eat the same amount of food and do the same exercise, your bodies might process things differently due to your genetic makeup.



Boosting and supporting metabolism involves adopting lifestyle habits that optimise energy expenditure and promote efficient metabolic function. Some solutions may include:


Nutrient-rich diet and prioritising protein

Enjoy a well-rounded diet filled with whole foods such as lean meats, whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Make sure to also include enough protein in your meals and snacks too. Protein takes more energy for your body to digest compared to fats and carbohydrates, which can give your metabolism a little boost and help you feel full for longer.


Staying hydrated

Dehydration can slow down metabolism, so aiming to drink 2-3 litres of water per day can assist in boosting metabolic processes.


Quality sleep and managing stress

Getting a good night’s sleep, around 7-9 hours, can keep your metabolism on track and help balance your hormones. As well as this, it’s also important to manage stress to prevent hormonal imbalances that can harm your metabolism. Incorporating practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, walks in nature or technology breaks can assist with this.


Consulting with a healthcare professional

This is where Pure Health Nutrition Clinic can help! Booking a 1:1 consultation or 15-minute discovery call with our Nutritionists and Naturopaths consulting from Perth, Western Australia can assist in identifying the root cause of why an individual is having trouble boosting their metabolism and what measures can be put in place to help with this:


How Pure Health can help

Holistic Weight Loss Program

One of our most popular programs is Pure Health’s Holistic Weight Loss Program. This program is designed for women who have tried every diet under the sun and are still struggling to shift their weight and overall well-being. It focuses on addressing all areas of your health and goes into depth around the most common areas that can assist in boosting your metabolism and shifting weight loss, for example:

  • Insulin resistance.
  • Reproductive hormone imbalances (oestrogen dominance).
  • Digestive issues and gut dysbiosis.
  • Stress.
  • Thyroid hormonal and thyroid autoimmune conditions.
  • Under or overeating.
  • Emotional food behaviours.


Personalised Nutrition Meal Plans

Understanding that boosting metabolism is a complex issue that many women struggle with. The Perth Nutritionists and Naturopaths at Pure Health create tailored meal plans to best suit an individual’s unique needs. These plans consider individual health profiles, symptoms, and goals, ensuring that every woman receives a plan that is suited to her specific needs.


Empowerment Through Knowledge

The Nutritionists and Naturopaths at Pure Health Nutrition Clinic in Perth understand that knowledge is power. Our team aim to educate women around one’s metabolism and assist them in making informed decisions regarding their health. By equipping women with the right information, Pure Health Nutrition Clinic ensures they have the confidence and resources to embrace the life stages with optimism and knowledge at the forefront. If you are looking for support in boosting your metabolism, book a 1:1 consultation or 15-minute discovery call with us to learn more.


It is important to understand that there is no ‘one size fits all’ in an individual’s health journey; therefore, our Clinical Nutritionists and Naturopaths at Pure Health Nutrition Clinic work closely with their clients to understand their needs and what is best going to suit them.